Live At Dantes
Put Here To Bleed
Creepy Little Noises

Thursday, January 13th, 2005
Well, now Mole has pneumonia. The rest of us are going to play tonight at The Tractor, but Mike and I are thinking about bringing accoustic guitars. (I promise to shove some Emergan-C down everyone's throat for the next few months... and try to sleep more.)

We do have some good news though: Mike D is almost finished with his solo album. He brought in a lot of very talented friends to play on it, and the songs by them selves were already amazing.

Also, here is some more information on how you can continue to help people in South Asia and the southeast U.S.: The Red Cross They are looking for airline miles, spare change, in-kind products, stock....
- Jon
Thursday, December 30th, 2004
Hey ya'll, unfortunately I've got crappy news. Due to the piss-poor lifestyle and general ill-health of our hard working rock band, a couple of our members have contracted something they approximate to the plague, meaning that we will have to back out of tomorrow night's New Year's Eve show at Graceland in Seattle. All kidding aside, Mike and Flap are just sick as dogs and we won't be able to make it. Huge apologies if this messes up any party plans for anyone; don't forget that even though we won't be there it will still be a kick-ass show with Hell's Belles and Drop 6 and you won't find better New Year's Eve entertainment anywhere. We'll be back up in Seattle in a couple of weeks, at which time you can harass us all for being weak and sickly. Have a great New Year's Eve, and be safe!

P.S. As you all know, Mother Nature dropped a real mess of shit on the other side of the world this week, and there are literally millions of people whose lives are still threatened by starvation and disease. At's website there is a list of organizations that are recieving donations, or you can go to to easily donate to the American Red Cross Disaster Relief Fund, which by itself has already recieved nearly 100,000 donations totalling over $6.5 million. A little goes a long way.
Sunday, December 26th, 2004
Hey ya'll, Merry X-mas!!
Tuesday, December 21st, 2004
I would just like to take a moment and post this drunken email exchange between our very own David Lipkind and our friend, bluesman Mark Lemhouse. Let's begin with David:

--- David Lipkind wrote:

It's all a reenactment.........
I'm sick of all the bullshit.
I'm gonna get me a straight job selling shanks to
That's my new calling
Fuck you
Call me dr. shank-man
The man who can get you the shank

Mark's reply:

easy big fella...... take that rope off and step away
from the ladder. It's gonna be o.k.

Here's my Advice....

You and Mole should take those 3 other fat asses out
jogging 3 days a week, and you will all be stars. If
not, just re-name the band... "I can eat more pie
than any sonofabitch in IHOP." Tell Handsome John to
quit trying to grow a beard, it's just not physically
possible at this stage in his life. Furthermore (and
this is for all of you guys) WASH YOUR FUCKING
RV so fucking bad with those putrid rags you wore on
stage. You crashed on my bus in those SAME clothes,
then left the next morning after one of you fuckers
clogged up my toilet. And guess what? You hopped in
your van wearing THE SAME FUCKING CLOTHES and headed
to New Orleans! JESUS TITS, You all deserve each

Hey, I'm drunk on wine right now.......Ah FUCK IT, I
meant every word.

Mark Lemhouse

I love rock and roll.
-Mole Harris

Monday, December 20th, 2004
Hey ya'll, we've got some great news that we have been itching to let loose on everyone for a couple of weeks, and we've been waiting to get it all confirmed before we said anything. The tail end of our next full length tour (in March, by the way) will see us joining up with The Reverend Horton Heat and The Supersuckers for nearly two weeks of shows right here in the Pacific NW!! Getting to see two of the best bands in the world for two weeks straight is bitchin' enough as it is, but getting to tear it up on the same stage all those nights is going to be some mind blowing shit! Anway, here are the dates, and keep a lookout for the rest of the dates for that tour as well; they will start coming in the next couple of weeks.

*All dates with The Reverend Horton Heat and The Supersuckers

Sunday, March 27th, 2005
The Jungle
23 W. 6th St.
Eugene, OR
21 and Over

Tuesday, March 29th, 2005
511 Greenwood Ave.
Bend, OR
21 and Over

Wednesday, March 30th, 2005
The Roseland Theatre
10 NW 6th Ave
Portland, OR
All Ages

Thursday, March 31st, 2005
The Nightlight Lounge
211 E. Chestnut St.
Bellingham, WA
18 and Over

Friday, April 1st, 2005
The Premier
1700 1st Ave. South
Seattle, WA

Saturday, April 2nd, 2005
The Commodore Ballroom
868 Granville
Vancouver, BC
All Ages

Sunday, April 3rd, 2005
The Big Easy
919 Sprague Ave.
Spokane, WA
18 and Over

Tuesday, April 5th, 2005
The Big Easy
416 S. 9th St.
Boise, ID
18 and Over

Wednesday, April 6th, 2005
The Velvet Room
155 W. 200 South
Salt Lake City, UT
21 and Over
Friday, December 17th, 2004
Hey ya'll, there's a great new review of Menace at, and we also made one of the editor's Top Ten of 2004. Here's the quote:

9. I Can Lick Any Sonofabitch In The House - Menace: After everything was said and done, this album came late in the year and knocked off Elf Power on this list. Mike D and company have crafted an unruly beast of an album that rocks like a punk rock Skynyrd while it Rages Against The Machine. Fan-fucking-tastic!

Tuesday, November 30th, 2004
Hey ya'll, I know that you have all been waiting patiently for new pics, and I have been slow on the draw, but it's a daunting and time-consuming task. But enough of my excuses. The first batch of new pics is up; it's not a lot yet, but expect more in the next couple of days. This batch of pics is misc pics of us on the road, the pics coming will feature pics from many of the stops we've made while on tour and live shots from many of them. Keep checking in the next couple of days for more. Here's the new ones for now.
Thursday, November 25th, 2004
Hey ya'll, a couple of weeks ago I mentioned that people had told us about a guy on the Tonight Show wearing a Sonofabitch t-shirt. I checked it out, and here it is. Thanks to you man, whoever you are! Click on the pix to see larger versions.
-Mole Harris

Thursday, November 25th, 2004
Happy Thanksgiving! Hope that everyone one ate as much turkey (or tofurkey) as I did.
Thursday, November 18th, 2004
Hey ya'll, can't believe that I forgot to post this, but our friend Michael Casey in North Carolina created a LiveJournal community about us Sonsabitches, so if you are a LiveJournal member you can go to and post some shit about us. Since we are lacking a message board here at the website at the current time this is a great place to start hollerin' at us. Thanks again to Michael for starting it up. I've posted a link to the community on our links page as well.
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Friday, October 20th, 2006
w/ Hillstomp, Power of County
1 SW 3rd & Burnside
Portland, OR
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--- Yeah, we're on myspace.